ATEX Fieldbus Process Automation

Who’s afraid of the big, bad Ex ic fieldbus wolf?

While preparing a training for a customer, I made a thorough research of the current status of Fieldbus/Profibus device coupler’s technology and availability and spent some time working out a clear way to present the Ex ic fieldbus concept which is not as conceptually clear as the older Ex i a/b concepts. Nowadays everybody involved […]

Personal mumbling Windows

WUDO = Windows update, or why you may be working for somebody else and not knowing about it

I’ll start with a foul, bad, mean word: torrent. For non geeks: Torrent is a technique for massive distribution of computer files. And is a foul, bad and mean word because most of the files distributed by this technique are covered by copyrights, so that means that torrent networks are basically the contemporary equivalent of […]

Personal mumbling Windows

How I helped to kill a Windows 10 bug, or a tale of two mail addresses….

After watching the pop up urging me to upgrade my laptop to Windows 10 for the eleventh time, I took the decision to go for it. I had changed my trusty 5 years old HP DM1 Z , which was loosing its battle against Windows 8.1 and was getting slower each day until it was […]

IoT Process Automation Technology

In the IoT, Things will stop being Things

When we used to buy something in the old days we took for granted the functions and characteristics that this thing had. If I bought a TV, it was supposed to be a device that, when connected to the corresponding power supply and with the proper antenna or later cable connection, allowed me to watch […]

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